Landline Phone Services
The Right Call, Every Time
Stay connected with reliable local landline phone service from Red River Communications.

Stay in Touch with Those Who Matter
When you want the sound of your voice to be crystal clear for conversations, you can’t beat the high quality of our fiber-optic network. With Red River Telephone Service, you will enjoy unlimited local calling, advanced calling features that make life easier, long-distance calling, and reliable 911 access to your address. A landline phone is a simple yet highly effective tool that offers peace of mind! Price is subject to your service location.
Looking for something more mobile?
Check out our Cellular service options.
Service areas
Red River Communications provides local telephone service to these Cooperative Exchanges and our Expansion areas.
Lifeline Service
The Federal Communications Commission has established Lifeline Service to make telecommunications service more affordable to eligible customers. Lifeline Service, supported partly by federal universal support mechanisms and the local state (Minnesota) universal service funds, is a program designed to make telecommunication services available at reduced rates to eligible residential customers.

Red River Communications
Phone Directory
If searching the web isn’t your thing, then we have just what you need. It’s the Yellow and White Pages, organized just how you remember them.
Customer support
If you’re having trouble with your services, our customer experience team is always happy to assist you. We have also created some helpful online resources and step-by-step user guides, which you can access here at any time.